
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Collage Chaos

Collaging is an exciting and very messy process - at least for me!  I suppose it's like putting on your fancy duds when you're not used to wearing them.

Sometimes the pieces just don't fit, like clothes that have hung in the closet too long and aren't the right size anymore.

Sometimes things get in a terrible tangle and you feel like screaming.

The mound of materials increases by the hour until you can barely see the table top.  And oh, where is that special little piece of paper you were saving for a certain spot?

Is it going to look all right?  Is it too far-out?  Too childish?  What will others think?  Is the style out of fashion?

Days may go by while you avoid the art table and find dozens of other projects and chores that need your urgent attention, while the collage lies there, waiting....  But eventually you get around to looking at it again.  Sometimes it looks entirely different, as if mischievous fairies came along in the night and scrambled things around. 

 It seems a lost cause.  It may be so discouraging you want to quit.  But you don't.  You pull yourself up by your bootstraps and soldier on.

And then the magic happens.  The shapes fall into place, chaos gives way to order.  Harmony reigns, and, whew! at last, a work of art is born!

1 comment:

My Creative House said...

Heidi thanks for your sweet comment, I have enjoyed to look around on your blog, and I love what I see, wonderful little people and a fantastic collage, wish you a lovely and creative weekend.