
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Quiet Stream

 What if the universe were teaming with unseen beings, working ceaselessly to create galaxies, solar systems, constellations, stars and planets and the life forms that dwell on them?  What if some of these beings were the angelic hierarchy spoken of in the bible and in many other spiritual texts?  Angels, archangels, archai, exusiai, dynamis, kyriotetes, thrones, cherubim, seraphim?  Such wonderful names!  You can find them in Webster's dictionary as well, listed under celestial hierarchies, with slightly different names.  Nine levels, each with its own realm of activity.

What if there were other invisible beings who oppose the angelic hierarchy, wanting to use unsuspecting humans to further their own agenda, luring us away from our rightful destiny?    

Supposing a giant celestial battle were taking place right now, with our future hanging in the balance?  Would you want to know?  Would you want to actively participate in the battle, hoping to tip the balance in our favor?

You could say, "These things are unknowable  I'm a good person, that's enough, and in due time, knowledge will come."

But what if those words were exactly what the dark powers want us to say?  What if through our unknowing, they could sneak up on us from the most innocent-looking places where we would never think to look for them, insinuating themselves into our thoughts and feelings.  Masters of masquerade!  Might not knowledge of them be vital to our survival, protecting us from their advances? 

But where do we find such knowledge, and how do we know it's true?  Even the bible is interpreted in countless different ways.  And besides, speaking of spiritual things makes us uncomfortable.  Everyone has different beliefs.  We all know the feeling that arises when someone tries to lay their spiritual trip on us.  The teeth clench, the eyes roll up, the stomach tightens.  We want desperately to run screaming in the opposite direction.  It makes us very reluctant to state our own views, because others might think we're weird, or stupid, or fanatical, or insane!

So best to be quiet and just let it all work itself out.  Knowledge will come in time.  When spiritual topics come up in conversation, we can say "I honor all paths."  That should take care of it, right?  But secretly we know it's not true, otherwise why do we get so upset when others try and persuade us to see things their way?  

Eventually, then, we have to choose a path of higher knowledge and follow it if we want to find answers to life's riddles and participate more consciously in the forming of our future.  If we hesitate too long, a path will be chosen for us; one we may not like.  And once we choose a path, it means having the courage to speak openly about it at appropriate times in appropriate ways, risking ridicule, persecution, even hatred.

The path I chose many years ago is Anthroposophy.  It's not a religion, but rather a body of spiritual knowledge which has been taught through the ages by various teachers.  In each age, it is updated and renewed to include the changes which have taken place in the cosmos and in human beings.  In our age it was taught by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher, scientist and clairvoyant who lived at the beginning of the 20th century.  The wisdom he shared came from his ability to read the Akashic record, a cosmic memory of all events, actions and thoughts.  Anthroposophy includes detailed descriptions of the origins of our planet and of humans, as well as the spiritual beings who work to bring it all into manifestation under the direction of the Godhead.  It is a history which includes all religions, cultures and races and what each has contributed to the world.  It sees the deed of Christ as the pivotal point in humanity's evolution, explaining that Christianity is only in it's infancy, barely yet understood.  It's the most complete body of esoteric knowledge I've found in forty plus years of searching.  But it isn't just words and thoughts.  It contains practices to help us attain the ability to do our own spiritual research.  And its teachings have inspired many new initiatives in all walks of life, such as astrosophycosmosophysacred geometryeurythmybiodynamic agriculturewaldorf educationlazure painting, the Camphill initiative, anthroposophical medicine, the threefold social order and many more.  

 Always there must be pioneers who forge ahead into new territory, otherwise we stagnate.  And always there is resistance to change.

But change comes whether we like it or not.  If we don't make changes cooperatively, then it's forced upon us in the form of hurricanes, fires, floods, pandemics, political upheaval and war, catapulting us out of our comfort zone.

Free will, that terrifying, exhilarating, precious gift means we have the power to create our own future.  And the future is already here, quietly gaining a foothold in small groups and gatherings, in far-sighted individuals and in new thought forms.  The knowledge we need is out there.  Seek and you will find it. 

Knowledge is our armor, courage and action our sword which pierces the darkness surrounding us.  Anthroposophy, also called spiritual science, teaches that new sense organs are developing, faster in some than in others, which will allow us to perceive in new ways so the invisible worlds become as real and solid as the ground we walk upon. Until then we can read, listen, speak, meditate and pray, and be aware of new revelations that come to us every day, often fleeting and unnoticed, distracted as we are by more dramatic and sensational daily happenings.  We can live our lives as if every thought and action play a vital role in the forming of our future. Then, as spiritual science intimates, one day in a far distant time we will take our place in the hierarchy of angels, becoming known as the spirits of love and wisdom.