
Monday, February 3, 2025

Crystal Palace

Crystals talk. Their language isn't like ours, yet everyone who gazes at one will feel something inside. A little tug, a burst of light in the heart, a pulse of energy, wonderment and appreciation for such perfect beauty.

Clear quartz crystals formed during the early stages of the Earth's crust formation 500 million years ago, and some crystals found in Australia are estimated to be 2 to 3 billion years old. Just think of that! We can hold something in our hands literally older than dirt. What stories they hold! 

Because of quartz's durability and ability to absorb, store, release and regulate energy, it's ideal for making optical fibers used in telecommunications for high speed data transmission. Quartz is also used in microscopes, telescopes and lasers, and makes a strong insulator.

Crystals have long been used for healing, protection and spiritual growth. Do an online search for "healing with crystals" and you'll find reams of material to read. I won't attempt to repeat what others have said, but I'd like to share a little of my own experiences using quartz crystals for health and meditation.

I meditate twice a day for 20 minutes or so. I believe cleansing the mind and emotions is just as important as taking a daily shower. There are many ways to accomplish this; through prayer, reading, yoga, listening to music, walking in nature. Crystals can enhance all of these practices. They bring clarity to thoughts, foster feelings of strength and stability, deepen our connections to the world around us.

My method is simple and effective; in fact I'm often astonished at the results. I start with two of my favorite crystals, making sure they've been recently cleansed by holding them under running water (non-chlorinated), rubbing their surfaces briskly, then putting them outside in the sunlight for a few hours. I do this maybe once a week. There are other ways to cleanse crystals - you can read about those in books or online.

I hold the crystals in my palms, close my eyes and start by touching the smooth surfaces with my fingers, noticing what feelings arise. I think about how the crystals were formed so long ago. Before they hardened, crystals were liquid. I imagine divine forces guiding the liquid into geometric planes, gifting the earth with these exquisite objects for our pleasure, health and well-being.

Next I ponder on how the stones are beautifully formed but are finished evolving. They have no capacity for growth or change like living things do. They are permanent, unchangeable, stable, nearly indestructible. They are an oasis of safety. Now I imagine myself inside a crystal. I feel it holding me in a sacred space, insulating me from all outside influences. I feel calm and protected. I'm in my own crystal palace, safe and secure. I let go of all stress, all confusion, doubts, emotions and thoughts that aren't harmonious, and relax as they dissolve into the pure form of the crystal. After a time I take a few deep breaths, imagining light radiating down through my head and grounding me to the earth.

I'm constantly surprised by the thoughts that arise as I hang out in my crystal palace. They're very different than my usual thoughts. They come at lightning speed, without words, conveying their meaning in a sort of living picture that resides partly in my heart, partly in my head. How does this happen? I haven't a clue. The human brain doesn't yet have the capacity to understand how invisible energies work, making it hard to explain with words. It has to be felt. Different senses are needed for this, and practice is the only way to develop them.

When we use and appreciate crystals and start to unlock their ancient secrets, we benefit not only ourselves. Though crystals are lifeless, we can breathe life back into them by using them. We can carry their mission forward, and by so doing we grace the divine beings who created them with our gratitude. This forms a full circle of giving and receiving that elevates the entire world.

Winter is a perfect time to explore the world of crystals. Outside, nature is at rest beneath her  mantle of snow and ice. Birds and insects are silent, the air is crisp and thin, making thoughts clearer and sharper without the distractions that spring and summer bring. Find a crystal and explore.
