
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

End of Season Salad Extravaganza


Every day I like to go out and forage for my lunch salad.  Today I made an extra special salad because we're due for a big freeze tonight and the wild greens and herbs won't be so plentiful.  I picked dandelion leaves and blossoms, plantain, chickweed, lime balm, salad burnet, marshmallow leaves and rosemary, and one lovely clover blossom I found blooming in the garden.  Then I added sunflower sprouts, pak choi, arugula, cucumber, fermented Mexican gherkins and cranberries and olives.  The dandelion greens, plantain and marshmallow I steeped in boiling water a few minutes with garlic and rosemary.  Then I drained them and added to the salad, drinking the liquid as a nutritious tonic.  For dressing I like black pepper, a dollop of mayonnaise and plenty of mustard.  It was an adventure in tastes!



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