
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sweet Spots and Thinkin' Places

When I was growing up my cousin and I used to make forts, or, as my cousin called them, thinkin' places.  There was the road fort, on a hillside above the road where we could throw green apples at passing cars, and the pine fort at the back of my grandfather's biggest hayfield, where you could lie in a grove of pines and listen to the wind.  There was a honeysuckle fort hidden and private in a tangle of vines, and the hayloft fort, and another in a little valley filled with wild mint and horsetail that made a wonderful rustling sound when you walked through it.

I don't make thinkin' places anymore, but I have my favorite spots on our property.  One is on the highest point of our farm where the compost pile is, under a big hickory tree.  If I'm feeling unwell or out of sorts, standing there gazing down the valley makes me feel much better - always.  There are subtle energies around trees, plants and water and in places where the land curves or dips or gathers energy from invisible sources.  You can feel these sweet spots if you pay attention. They are very healing, physically and mentally.  We don't draw on nature's healing energy nearly enough.  It's powerful medicine to hug trees, walk barefoot, lie in the grass, find  thinkin' places and let nature speak to us in her own subtle language.