
Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Inner Light

It's collage season when I get to play with colors and textures to my heart's content.  It's also my favorite time of year.  November and December, the darkest months, bring the season of inner light.  No matter what your spiritual beliefs, you can feel this.  The Christmas season is a celebration of the triumph of light over darkness.  When the outer world is dark and cold, when the ground is frozen and bare, we have no choice but to turn inward to find life.  And what we have cultivated in our inner gardens is the sustenance we have to carry us through the winter.  At this time, peace on earth, good will towards men seems much more possible.  People's hearts grow softer, lighter, more open.  I wish for everyone to find their bright inner light this season, and spread it around so there are many bright spots in the dark days.  All too soon spring will come and we'll be drawn out into the sprouting, blossoming, awakening earth, putting aside our inner gardens for the outer ones.  I hope everyone finds light and life and joy within while the earth sleeps.

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