
Monday, February 4, 2013

Work in Progress II

I have been adding more detail as you can see.  I have decided to call it "The Forgotten Garden".  Overgrown and neglected, it still has a wild beauty and is full of elementals, strange creatures and, of course, fairies.  It looks very rough and sketchy at this point, and flat because there is no shading.  But once I get it traced onto watercolor paper the fun will begin.  It's scary and exciting starting a new piece.  How will it turn out?  Always there are stages where it looks awful when the painting starts, because tones have to be built up in layers of washes to get the depth and highlights needed.  But lots of work to do before that stage.  Color choice is very important, and I'm trying to decide on a palette.  Pink and green, perhaps, with some blue and grey.  I like the mullein stalks and can't wait to see them in color.

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