
Friday, October 9, 2009

Making Kraut

It's time to make fall sauerkraut. Most people don't realize you don't need a big crock to make kraut. You can make it in small batches, one quart at a time, in canning jars, and man oh man, is it good for you. Here are a few facts about sauerkraut from Sally Fallon's book, Nourishing Traditions. Lacto-fermented foods normalize the acidity of the stomach, help break down proteins and aid in their assimilation, activate the secretions of the pancreas, which is particularly important for diabetics. Sauerkraut contains large quantities of choline, a substance that lowers blood pressure and regulates the passage of nutrients into the blood, and aids the body in the metabolism of fats. Sauerkraut also contains acetylcholine which has a powerful effect on the parasypathetic nervous system. It helps reduce blood pressure, slows down the rate of heartbeat, and promotes calmness and sleep. Lactic acid producing bacteria can prevent the growth of coliform bacteria, so not only do they aid digestion, they also help us resist infection. But the kraut must be eaten raw; the beneficial substances are destroyed by cooking. Are you ready to make some kraut now?

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