I got a powerful hunger for spring greens, folks.
Yesterday was greens day. I planted several lettuces, mustard, arugula and kale. Pak choy and other oriental greens will follow shortly. They're a bit more sensitive to spring frosts, and will bolt if the temps are too cold. I broadcast the seed in small rectangular peat containers (six fit to a flat) in a mix of compost, peat, sand and perlite. When they've come up and gotten a little size to them I'll transplant them into cell packs until they're ready to plant out, sometime in March. It's time to plant spinach and beets - we're waiting till the ground's dry enough to turn.
I also planted some mixed colors of yarrow. It's a staple in early bouquets. My old patch is getting crowded and weedy, so I'll start fresh with new plants this year.